Spatially Constrained Cluster Analysis


December 2, 2022


Typology of Cluster Analysis Technique

Hierarchical Clustering

1.1 Agglomerative Clustering ( AGNES or Agglomerative Nesting)

  • Bottom-up. Plot with dendrogram.
  • Each object initially considered as a single-element cluster (leaf).
  • Algorithm for each step is to combine 2 clusters that are most similar into a new bigger cluster (node).
    • compute proximity matrix before the combination of data points. Subsequently, update the proximity matrix each iteration.

      • 3 common methods to calculate proximity matrix :

        - Euclidean distance

        - City-block distance

        - Chebychev distance

    • common methods :

      • Maximum / Complete Linkage Clustering

      • Minimum / Single Linkage Clustering

      • Mean / Average Linkage

      • Centroid

      • Ward’s Minimum Variance method

1.2 Divisive Clustering ( DIANA or Divise Analysis )

  • Top-down.

  • Each step, the most heterogeneous cluster is divided into two.

Partitioning Clustering (K-means)


Univariate EDA

  • check the distribution of the cluster variables.

  • determine the differences in data ranges.

  • variable standardisation techniques if unable to change the scales for the variables’ value :

    • Z-score

    • Min-max = value range of 0 to 1

    • Decimal scaling

  • variable standardisation techniques above need to be done first before the transformation for clustering.

Bivariate EDA

  • check the correlation between input variables (i.e. correlation coefficient >= 0.85).
  • not recommended to apply PCA for highly correlated social economic aspects. Unless clustering analysis is single/home value, e.g. reflection index value from satellite images.
  • VIF (variance inflation factor) method to determine which highly correlated variables not to include in the analysis - regression? (!!!!! confirm this statement)
  • standardisation should not change distribution, should provide quite similar output while transformation can resulted relatively large differences. (!!!!! confirm this statement)


Spatially Constrained Clustering Methods

2 grouping approaches :

  1. Grouping Objects
    • grouping similar contiguous objects into new aggregrate areal units.

      • tension between attribute similarity
  2. Grouping Observations
    • locational similarity : group spatially contiguous observations only.


Spatial Kluster Analysis (SKATER) method

  • Construct minimum spanning tree from adjacency graph.

  • Prune the tree (cut edges) to achieve maximum internal homogeneity.

  • Spatially Constrained Clustering using SKATER method.

Reference: AssunÇão, R. M ; Neves, M. C ; Câmara, G ; Da Costa Freitas, C (2006) “Efficient regionalization techniques for socio-economic geographical units using
minimum spanning trees
”, International Journal of Geographical Information Science, Vol.20 (7), p.797-811


Contiguity as a Graph

  • Objective is to minimize within-group dissimilarity (maximize between-group).

  • Network connectivity based on adjacency between nodes (locations).

  • Edge value reflects dissimilarity between nodes.


Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm

  • Connectivity graph, G = (V, L),

    V = vertices (nodes),

    L = edges path - a sequence of nodes connected by edges v1 to vk :
    (v1,v2), ..., (vk-1,vk).

  • Spanning tree - tree with n nodes of G unique path connecting any two nodes n-1 edges.

  • Minimum spanning tree - spanning tree that minimizes a cost function minimise sum of dissimilarities over all nodes.


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